Week 4 – Phonics Monday


Posted by olops | Posted in Reception | Posted on May 10, 2020

Good morning Reception!

I hope you have all had a super weekend 🙂
Here is your phonics learning for today:

At the beginning of each phonics lesson I will show you 3 high frequency words. You do not sound these out, but you do need to learn what the words say:
Why don’t you write them in your books or on a post it note and keep testing yourself? Can you read the words independently?

Today you are going to learn the trigraph igh

a trigraph is when 3 letters make 1 sound, sing it with me:

the trigraph igh looks like this:










The picture we use to help us is this:










The phrase we use to help us is:

igh… fly high!

Have a go at saying igh… fly high! igh… fly high! Can you write igh in your books 3 times?

Take a look at these words, have a go at reading them:






Have a go at writing them in your books.

Look at my picture:








I can write a sentence about my picture:

The sun is bright but not at night. 

In my sentence there are 2 words that have the igh trigraph in them. Can you spot them?
Have a go at reading my sentence. Can you write my sentence in your books?

Phonics challenge: can you write 2 more sentences which have the igh sound in them? Comment them below!

Great phonics learning 🙂 Give yourself a high five and check the blog tomorrow morning for the next phonics learning!

Miss Soutar xx



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