Day 2 – Class 1


Posted by olops | Posted in Year 1 | Posted on March 24, 2020

Good evening Class 1,

I hope you’ve had a good day. What have you all been learning about?

I found pictures of some animals today but I need your help. Can you tell me what animals they are and how do you know? 🙂

I have also found some fun Science quizzes you can do with your adult to test your knowledge and to learn new facts. Give it a go if you can! 🙂

Miss Gethings xx

Coding Projects


Posted by olops | Posted in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 | Posted on March 23, 2020

Hello Everyone

I have access for all students to use to continue their self learning of coding. This learning ranges from basic skills of clicking and dropping to develop into further more challenging programming.

Each child should have their login detail in their blue reading diaries but if you cannot find them please email me at and I will send you their details again.

Likewise if you complete the lessons I have assigned to you and you want to go further please email me and I will assign a new lessons.

If you find any of the coding too challenging please send me an email and I can login and help you through it.

I have full view of where you child is at and will be giving house points for those I see with the most progress.

Click on the logo to go directly to the login page.


Mr Williams

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