Special Mention Friday 23rd June


Posted by olops | Posted in Foundation | Posted on June 22, 2017

Class Missionary- Antoni Cipko

Antoni you have been keeping the promises we made as a class to be ready to learn on the carpet, you sit facing the front ready to listen. You have been determined to complete work that you are proud of and having a go. Keep this up!

Otis You have been making up sentences about your trip to Vernon Park. You remembered finger spaces, capital letters and full stops in your writing. You are trying to make your writing as neat as possible. Well done!

Julia KJulia you always want to join in with class discussions, offering your ideas and sensible answer. You have also be creating many interesting things in the workshop.

Marcus- Thank you for working so hard in your writing. You segment the words so carefully, and have been working hard to make your writing is smaller and sitting on the line. Well done.

Nadia- Nadia was super at making all the numbers from 1-10 using chop sticks! She was also using super words to write a sentence about the trip to Vernon Park

Vernon Park


Posted by olops | Posted in Foundation | Posted on June 22, 2017

The children had a very long walk down to Vernon Park yesterday. Using their telescopes they were able to find the clues of what Timothy Pope found when he looked down his telescope.

The children have spent the morning looking through photographs and giggling at the fun they had. A highlight was going over the stepping stones and seeing the ducks and family of swans.What was your favourite part of the trip?






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